Category archive: Sustainability

Environmental Aspects & The Hydrogen Economy

Environmental Aspects Renewable energy sources have a completely different set of environmental costs and benefits to fossil fuel or nuclear generating capacity. On the positive side they emit n99o carbon dioxide or other air pollutants (beyond some decay products from new hydro-electric reservoirs), but because they are harnessing relatively low-intensity…

Systems Integration Costs

Intermittent Renewable Power Generation Power generation technologies generally compete with each other both in regulated and deregulated markets to supply electricity through a ‘merit order’ based on availability and marginal cost of production for any given period. Fossil fuel, nuclear, biomass and hydro power generators can all to varying degrees…

LEED Certification & Green Building FAQ

What is LEED® LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is a green building certification process developed by the US Green Building Council® (USGBC).  LEED certification provides independent verification that a building or home was designed using LEED green building environmental strategies and standards. What role does green…

Sustainability Services

Enterprise Sustainability Services help you achieve reductions in: Your operational costs Energy consumption And, ultimately, your carbon footprint. Using our sustainability framework, organizations are able to reduce their energy costs by an average of 40% within the first 12 months – with no additional capital expenditure. Our approach GPG’s Enterprise…

Sustainability Consulting

All of our consulting projects have three main components Identify energy saving opportunities, Accurately quantify the energy, cost, green-house gas savings, and Communicate this unbiased information to our clients. Whether at the beginning, middle or end of a project, whether training staff, evaluating a building or assessing a specific piece of equipment,…

Sustainability Benefits

Can you afford an energy assessment, or an energy-efficiency plan? Really, you can’t afford not to have one. We target and often identify as much as 30% reductions in our clients energy use at ROIs of 50% or more. Our fees are a fraction of these cost savings. If you could find…

Facility Optimization

Getting the maximum Return On Investment of your energy usage and infrastructure is vital to your competitiveness.  The energy costs of running your facilities typically offset and may soon overtake your plant improvement investment costs.  The GPG Optimization Assessment service is designed to increase your power efficiency and so drive…

Sustainability Solutions

Helping Companies Benefit From Renewable Energy Since 2001 Balancing economic, social, and environmental sustainability presents both challenges and opportunities for modern-day businesses. Organizations that understand the need to use their existing infastructure innovatively while focusing on its optimization, resource and energy efficiency will gain from both a business advantage as…