Category archive: Resources

About GPS

Explore The Possibilities One size does not fit all for clean transportation decarbonization or sustainable renewable energy in your home or office space.  Our Smart Home and Smart Office automation solutions make your property safer, more elegant, fun and easier to use.  We provide you with a full-service custom turn-key…

Tax Credits

Property Owners are eligible for federal tax incentives for the purchase and installation of eligible solar systems, including both solar electric photovoltaics (PV) and solar hot water photothermal (PT) systems, as well as other renewable energy investments. The following information regarding taxes, tax credits and depreciation is meant to make…

Rebates & Grants

Financial incentives for photovoltaics are offered to electricity consumers to install and operate solar-electric generating systems, also known as photovoltaics (PV). A government may offer incentives in order to encourage the PV industry to achieve the economies of scale needed to compete where the cost of PV-generated electricity is above…

(LCFS) Low Carbon Fuel Standard

Plug’n Paid . California Regulators mandate that polluters must buy LCFS carbon credits from now till 2030 .. California’s Carbon Credit Program The California Air Resources Board (CARB) carbon credit program known as the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) is a Cap-n-Trade program that directly benefits owners of Electric Vehicle…

EVCS | Portfolio

Get the network benefit of Open Protocol (OP) Cloud Based 4G LTE Cellular Join our fast, efficient way to connect your EV stations with the world’s best charging network for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) also known as Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). With our EVCS solutions, you gain access…

Financial Incentives

Going solar is a solid reliable investment for your home or business.  Since your roof is probably never going anywhere, and, perpetual utility rates increases are an unfortunate reality … solar electric panels are the best secured investment you can make in today’s market.  Compare going solar to traditional higher…

Get On The Bus

Get On The Bus (8/21) You’re invited to the 8th Annual GET ON THE BUS tour! Come aboard for the traveling roof party & wine reception.  Don’t miss the event that has been dubbed as the most fun event of the year!   Every year the American Institute of Architects, Pasadena…

Brown Bag Lunch & Learns

Town Council Energy Fairs Get your home’s energy from the sun! Our Green Power Systems knowledge experts will explain the fundamentals of solar electricity, how to apply for available incentives and share valuable consumer awareness tips that can help you feel more confident when evaluating solar for your home. This…