Why Solar Panels

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Residential | Why Go Solar

There are now more than 1.6 million solar installations in the United States … Why?

  1. $avings Every Month. Solar electric panels allow you to reduce or eliminate your electric bill.
  2. Hedge Against Rate Hikes. End unnecessary price increases and unpredictable rate hikes by generating your own free green power.
  3. Protect The Environment. Most traditional electricity is still generated by burning coal that emits pollutants into the atmosphere. Solar electricity comes from a clean and renewable source—the sun.
  4. Increased Property Value. Solar is a smart upgrade that makes your home more desirable and valuable.
  5. It’s time to make the switch. It’s your time to BECOME MORE POWERFUL.

Start Your Solar $avings Now!

Are you protecting your investment? 

Is your roof making you money?

Call us today for a free no obligation estimate & we’ll REDUCE or ELIMINATE your electric bill in 5 easy steps:

1) Assessment (electric usage patterns & roof availability)
2) Inspections (onsite electrical, structural, sun and shading analysis)
3) Design (engineering, permits, photos, drawings, planning)
4) Install (full custom turnkey craftsmanship and municipality sign-off)
5) Activate (commission, maintenance, inspections, and internet monitoring to see exact real time performance.

Allow us to crunch the number for you to the penny and to the bolt

Why go Solar?  the answer is up to you

The use of solar panels dramatically reduces the size of your carbon footprint. Solar energy is a renewable alternative to power plants that burn fossil fuels and emit greenhouse gases, which lead to global warming. The decision to go solar, made by tens of thousands of people and businesses, reinforces our commitment to a healthy environment.

Solar finance experts suggest that every 1,000 Watts of power from a PV (photovoltaic) solar electric panel adds $5,000 to the resale value of a home. Solar panels require little or no upkeep, rarely break or wear out, are warrantied for an average 25 years, and can last for greater than 30-40+ years, providing you with clean, consistent energy. Also, much of the cost for the system can be offset with States and Federal financial incentives.

The use of solar energy makes the future bright for California and its residents and leaves a legacy of clean energy and a strong, unsoiled, environment for generations to come.  We keep this in mind everyday as our call to action to continuously question …

When our children look back on the world their parents left them … will they say, “Thank You.”

It’s a choice with many benefits

Homeowners are seeing the solar light. The reasons vary for each person, though they mainly come down to the following:

It’s free: Solar-energy systems allow you to capture free sunlight and convert it into usable power in your home.

It’s clean: Solar energy can be used to heat and cool your home, but it has almost no impact on the global climate. By comparison, electricity generated by power plants produces carbon dioxide emissions that scientists say pose serious threats to the environment.

It’s infinitely renewable: While nonrenewable energy sources like oil, gas and coal are becoming increasingly scarce, the sun’s energy is limitless. Wherever sunlight shines, electricity can be generated.

It can reduce your utility costs:  Having a system that creates solar energy means you use less electricity from your utility company, and that can contribute to lower heating and cooling costs. This is significant, especially when you consider 56% of energy use in a typical U.S. home comes from heating and cooling*.

It comes with incentives:  The U.S. federal government and some states provide tax credits for renewable energy systems. Depending on where you live, you may also be eligible for incentives through your utility company. To find out what incentives are available in your area, visit dsireusa.org.

It increases your energy self-reliance:  The more sunlight harnessed by the system, the less electricity you need from your utility supplier.

It can also increase your home’s value:  An investment in a solar-energy system may improve the value of your home, thanks to its ability to lower the cost of heating and cooling. Surveys conducted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development have shown that home values rise an average of $20 for every $1 reduction in annual utility bills.

*U.S. Department of Energy statistics

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