Category archive: Backup Power

Backup Power | Watts Used by Appliance

Assure you have the electricity when you need it! HOW MANY WATTS DO YOU NEED? The speed (amps) and pressure (volts) of electricity are measured as watts (Amps * Volts = Watts).  So a 60 watt light bulb uses 120 Volts times 0.5 Amps for each hour it is left running (typically 7PM to midnight…

Backup Power | Generators

An emergency generator provides 24/7 blackout protection to supply power during a utility outage. Decide whether you want to back up a few essential circuits/outlets or your whole house or business. The number of circuits you back up and the power requirements of the items on those circuits will determine the…

Backup Power | Solar Charged Batteries

The following is a brief outline (with diagrams and images) for creating your own portable solar panel emergency power station that is small enough to be stored inconspicuously on most patios. How to Build a Solar Energy Generator for Emergency Backup Power You can make your own home or office…

Backup Power | Portable

Assure you have the electricity when you need it! Portable battery backup power in a self contained, plug-and-play, solution allows you to use your appliances when your local electric utility company is not available. Our GPS Portable Power solutions are designed plug-and-play to provide power for your campsite, home, or…

Backup Power

Backup Power for Your Home, Office, or Remote Location’s Critical Loads: A backup power system is ready 24 hours a day to instantly provide clean, quiet, automatic backup power.  Our mobile solutions are designed to make the addition of a backup generator, or battery backup relatively simple. This winning combination…