Assure you have the electricity when you need it! HOW MANY WATTS DO YOU NEED? The speed (amps) and pressure (volts) of electricity are measured as watts (Amps * Volts = Watts). So a 60 watt light bulb uses 120 Volts times 0.5 Amps for each hour it is left running (typically 7PM to midnight…
Decorative Window Film New processing techniques have allowed for the creation of decorative window tinting. These products have taken the market by storm. Interior designers, contractors and residential & commercial window installers are enthusiastically embracing these designs! Functional Design We offer many decorative films in patterns and shades to fit your…
BRIEF SUMMARY Since electricity and water observe many of the same natural laws as they occur in nature; a good way to imagine the electricity in a battery is to imagine a household bathtub. Filling a battery (charging) or emptying a battery (discharging) follows the same basic rules of pressure, speed, and time…
Maintenance, and Monitoring Solar Electric Panel (Photovoltaic or PV) Maintenance and Monitoring is an important part of any solar program. Dirty panels produce less electricity than clean panels. The challenge for solar electric panel owners is that panel performance can become shaded with dirt and therefore give you less production…
The Need for Security Windows Windows introduce a number of threats into the workplace. When shattered, razor-sharp glass pieces become airborne, causing injury, property damage, and even fatalities. Then, an opening into a building resulting from a broken window allows for another assortment of potential problems such as robbery, looting…
(All Electric & Plug-In Hybrid) A battery electric vehicle (BEV), pure electric vehicle, only-electric vehicle, fully electric vehicle or all-electric vehicle is a type of electric vehicle (EV) that exclusively uses chemical energy stored in rechargeable battery packs, with no secondary source of propulsion (e.g. hydrogen fuel cell, internal combustion…
Throwing boring right out the window. In a world that all too often rewards work that is commonplace, there are still some true originals who see things differently. At GPS, we partner our best craftsmen with some of the best architects in the industry to solve the toughest challenges and…
Is your home too hot or too cold or are you concerned about indoor air pollutants? GPS Residential Heating & Cooling offers a broad range of heating, air conditioning and indoor air quality products and services and right level of expertise to help, no matter what your comfort concern. And…