Plug’n Paid . California Regulators mandate that polluters must buy LCFS carbon credits from now till 2030 .. California’s Carbon Credit Program The California Air Resources Board (CARB) carbon credit program known as the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) is a Cap-n-Trade program that directly benefits owners of Electric Vehicle…
Increasing Electricity Production According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, spending on renewable energy capacity is expected to total $7 trillion over the next 20 years. Limited conventional fuel supplies, growing demand for energy, advances in technology, continuing climate change, and improving price competitiveness between traditional and renewable energy sources are…
Helping Companies Benefit From Renewable Energy Since 2001 What is factor investing? Factor investing is an investment approach that involves targeting specific drivers of return across asset classes. There are two main types of factors: macroeconomic and style. Investing in factors can help improve portfolio outcomes, reduce volatility and enhance…
Get the network benefit of Open Protocol (OP) Cloud Based 4G LTE Cellular Join our fast, efficient way to connect your EV stations with the world’s best charging network for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) also known as Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). With our EVCS solutions, you gain access…
Going solar is a solid reliable investment for your home or business. Since your roof is probably never going anywhere, and, perpetual utility rates increases are an unfortunate reality … solar electric panels are the best secured investment you can make in today’s market. Compare going solar to traditional higher…
GPS is one of the larger providers of sustainable renewable energy in Southwestern United State. Our established relationships and volume pricing with top manufacturers ensure a strong product pipeline, logistics and support. By passing on the benefits of our relationships and economies of scale, we create a highly competitive procurement…
Retro-Commissioning | Green Buildings “…the modern architect has produced the most flagrantly uneconomic and uncomfortable buildings … inhibited only with the aid of the most expensive devices of heating and refrigeration … glass-sheathed buildings without any contact with fresh air, sunlight or view.” Louis Mumford, architectural critic and social commentator,…
Electric Vehicles (EV) Aren’t Just on Their Way – They’re Here! In President Obama’s recent State of the Union address, it was made clear that electric vehicles are the transportation future of the United States. To reach his stated goal of 1 million EVs on U.S. roads by 2015, the President established…