EVSE | Charging Station Management Software

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We provide you with the industry’s most flexible EV charging management and application platform. 

Cloud-based networks manage large numbers of geographically dispersed charge station assets and provide the following management features and capabilities:

  • Locate EV charging stations
  • Monitor the charge stations’ status
  • Remotely start and stop charging stations
  • Set, manage, and update access control lists
  • Set charging pricing and tariffs for usage
  • Provide notifications to charge station users
  • Update charge station control software and firmware remotely
  • Run management reports
  • Reserve EV charging stations

The GPS Difference

Tailored Charge Station Networks

We provide and manage our customers’ private commercial charge station networks, as opposed to a large public access networks. These private charging networks give our customers increased customization, functionality, long-term flexibility, and control.  Having those abilities leads to an increased ROI and a decreased TCO for an organization’s EV charging program.

Switchable Network Guarantee

The EV Network utilizes Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP), which is an internationally established open protocol for the communication between charge station Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) hardware and its management software and services (network) provider (akin to a cell phone and its service provider).

Some leading EVSE charging companies that make both charge stations and charging networks say that their networks use “open protocols”.  Those networks, however, may only be open to other charge station manufacturers so they can build chargers that run on the network providers’ closed networks.  But unfortunately for their customers, they remain locked into a closed network.

Being locked into a network means that if your network provider raises its rates, goes out of business, or provides inferior service, then the only way for you to switch networks is to replace your charge stations.

EV Network with OCPP

If a network is truly open to its customers, the customers should be able to switch networks without replacing their charging stations when their network service contract is up.  We offer our “Switchable Network Guarantee” so you can switch networks when your initial service contract expires.

Being able to switch EV charging networks makes even more sense when you think about a consumer product analogy:

Would you buy a television set that only worked with 1 service provider?

Utilization Maximizing Tools

Tired of EV drivers complaining about not having enough chargers or about how another EV driver is hogging the space even after he is done charging?  One EVSE charging company that is both a charge station manufacturer and a network service provider says that customers should have a 2:1 driver-to-charger ratio.

We take a different approach.  We’ll offer you charge station “Utilization Maximization Tools” to give your drivers the ability to efficiently utilize limited EV charging stations.  Your EV drivers will be more productive or be better customers if they don’t have to waste time creating EV driver email lists, writing nasty notes on windshields, or running out to check if a charge station is available.

A great way to increase your charge station ROI is to maximize the utilization of your existing chargers.

Flexibility Leads to Higher ROI

Your charge station network operates in a cloud-based platform that, among other things, allows us to integrate our customers’ EV charging driver and usage data with their enterprise software systems, such as building and parking management systems, HR software, or other in-house enterprise applications.

One of the EV Cloud benefits is to allow our customers the flexibility to define how payments are accepted if the customer wants to charge drivers for their charging sessions.  Rather than offering only one way of accepting payments, the EV Cloud allows customers the choice of accepting PayPal (with its lower service fees), Google Wallet, Visa, and other credit cards, as well as having the option of using a customer’s own merchant gateway.

When it comes to your charge station hardware purchases, any EV charger manufacturer can tell you they make it easy to add additional charge stations to meet a customer’s growing EV driver demand.  But we can add any chargers that use truly open communications protocols to communicate to an EV charging network.  Having the flexibility to get the best and latest charge station hardware at the best price, regardless of the manufacturer, is a great way to increase ROI and decrease total cost of ownership (TCO).

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