Your Value Added Partner

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Accelerate your business growth, the power is yours

National electricity rates have increased an average of 6-7% every year in the last five years according to the U.S. Energy Administration’s Energy Perspective Report. Partnering with GPS is a way to dramatically reduce expenses, protect against future rate increases and improve your bottom line. Our customers typically achieve IRRs of 10.5% or more.

Our team of design professionals, engineers, and financial and energy specialists work to first understand your operation’s energy consumption and corresponding utility rate tariff, and then collaborate to apply best practices in designing the optimal system for your site. In addition, GPS selects the best technologies to be incorporated into your design to deliver consistent performance for decades with minimal maintenance.

Through this process our team creates the most efficient, effective systems possible—aligned to meet your business objectives and deliver you the greatest return.

GPS understands the challenges in today’s solar and energy efficiency industries. Success in this relatively new and exciting industry requires a skilled workforce, knowledgeable project planning, execution, management and the support teams that insure quality and craftsmanship. GPS wants to partner with you by allowing us to be your experts on this new and exciting road.  It is our belief that together we can both help to make this world an even better home for our children.

Benefits of a Green Power System

Your existing customers are eager to go solar, but the high upfront cost keeps them from committing. GPS offers zero down financing to help you eliminate the pricing barrier by offering flexible options to fit any budget, which results in more solar for our property.


  • Solar Panels
  • Battery & Generator Power
  • EV Charging Stations
  • Integrated Technologies
  • Roofing
  • HVAC
  • Windows

Residential & Commercial Services 

  • Energy Management, Leadership, and Sustainability
  • Site Design, Audits, Testing, Educational & Safety
  • Project Support & Permitting Assistance
  • Project Management and Supervision
  • Finance Assistance & Leasing Program
  • Collateral and Website Marketing Support

Agricultural & Industrial Services

  • Large Scale Capabilities for Public and Private Sectors
  • EPC Services that Provide End-to-end Project Support
  • Turnkey Customized Projects
  • Corporate Energy Efficiency & Green Training
  • Commercial Energy and Building Audit Services
  • Commercial Financing Solutions

We maximize your energy cost savings.

We have heard it said that the answer to our energy future lies in the past.  Burning fuels like oil and coal has never been a sustainable solution and the pollution created continues to damage earths fragile eco-systems.

A Green Power Systems is a better way.  Our solutions save millions of gallons of fossil fuels every year.  We provide clean, renewable energy to schools, hospitals, commercial business districts, and residential homes while maintaining the highest quality standards in the industry.

Let us show you how partnering with GPS will allow you to maximize government incentives and other rebates to get your Green Power System right away.   Helping our partners navigate their way to energy $avings is our promise.

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