Financing Options

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Residential | Financing Options

Customized Financing Solutions For Your Solar Needs

  • No Assets Required
  • Secure, Quick, and Easy Application
  • Lower Your Monthly Payment
  • Get The Best Available Rate On The market
  • Go Solar Without Tapping Into Your Savings
  • ZERO Down Solar Financing is available NOW!

Several options are available to assist you in the purchase of solar energy system, including mortgage refinancing or an equity loan with your current mortgage broker. Green Power Systems makes going solar easy. Since each of our customers have unique energy and financing needs, we have several options available independent of your current lending institution. *with good credit

With powerful financing options as low as $0 down there has never been a better time to go solar!

At Green Power Systems we know that the last thing you need this upcoming year is a 10-20% price increase in your monthly electric bill.  It seems like every day we hear on the TV, radio, or the internet about the benefits of going green and yet the upfront costs are not small.  What we have done at Green Power Systems is secured zero down financing for you so you can take advantage of solar electric power today!

How Zero Down Solar Financing Works:

  1. Green Power Systems designs your home energy system.
  2. You get up to $0 down on a secured, customized loan.
  3. There are no fees or prepayment penalties should you wish to pay off your loan ahead of schedule.
  4. There is no income verification needed for loans up to $45k.
  5. The value of the system is immediately factored into your home’s value.
  6. Get loan term lengths of 10, 15, 20, or 30 years (on approved credit).

Now The Sun Is Brighter, Clearer And Within Reach

With solar, the power is yours. When you choose solar, you get more than a clean, renewable energy source. You get the opportunity to manage your household cost of power. Solar systems provide a reliable alternative to utility power, so you can reduce your dependence on traditional energy sources and avoid the risk of rising energy prices

You can harness the power today

Smart homeowners know solar offers an economical

power source with obvious environmental benefits, but the upfront cost of buying and installing a system keeps many from committing. Solar leasing can offer a bright alternative to owning a solar system. With affordable options to fit every budget, leasing provides risk-free and worry-free access to solar today.


Utility costs are steadily increasing. Naturally, utilities will pass those costs onto consumers. A solar system allows you to lock in a portion of your energy prices today and watch your savings grow over time.

Power Production Guarantee

When you lease solar, we design a system specifically for your home’s needs. The Power Production Guarantee promises that if the system does not produce the minimum amount of kilowatts predicted, we pay you the difference. And if your system produces more kilowatts than promised, the power is yours at no additional cost.

Stress Free Coverage

Homeowners enjoy all of the benefits of solar with the added comfort of a money-back Power Production Guarantee, full system insurance, warranty, and less money out of pocket. Solar leasing offers affordable payment options to free up household operating capital for other needs.

· Zero Down Payment(Most Flexible Option)Allows you to install a solar system with no upfront cost.  Qualified homeowners benefit immediately from low monthly lease payments and reduced utility bills. 
· Down Payment Plan(Best of Both Worlds)Pay down a portion of the lease and benefit from even lower monthly lease payments. Best of all, you have the flexibility to choose how much you prepay, so the down payment is sure to fit your budget. 
· Prepaid Lease(Best Overall Value)Make one payment for your solar system upfront with nothing due for the rest of the term. Homeowners who choose a prepaid lease get all of the protections and benefits of leasing, including monitoring, maintenance and Power Production Guarantee, and best overall value per kWh with no monthly lease payment. This option is perfect for homeowners who would like to purchase but prefer the benefits and savings of solar leasing.
· How can leasing solar help me save on my utility bill?  Utility costs are steadily increasing. Naturally, utilities will pass those costs onto consumers. A solar system allows homeowners to lock in energy prices today and watch their savings grow over time. 
· What is the difference between leasing and buying solar?  Homeowners who lease enjoy all the benefits of solar with the added comfort of a money-back Power Production Guarantee, full system insurance and warranty, and less money out of pocket when compared to purchasing. With little-to-no down payment options, solar leasing offers affordable payment options to free up household operating capital for other needs. 
· What is a Power Production Guarantee?  Our Power Production Guarantee promises that if the system does not produce the minimum amount of kilowatts predicted, we will pay you for the difference. And if your system produces more kilowatts than promised, the power is yours at no additional cost. 
· What happens if I move during the lease agreement? If you sell your home, you can easily transfer the solar lease to the next homeowner or you can prepay the lease. 
· What options do I have at the end of my lease?  When the term of your lease is up, you can renew the lease, purchase your existing solar system or remove the system at no cost. The choice is yours. 
· Who provides my solar lease program?  Your lease is backed by an energy provider that owns and operates one of the largest and most diverse energy portfolios. With a thorough understanding of the market and deep industry experience, We are focused on helping you navigate your way to huge energy $avings.
So don’t wait for Federal and State rebates to run out! Start saving on your electric bills by going solar with Green Power Systems

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