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Why Companies Like Yours Will Consult Green Power Guy

We are strong.  We are tenacious.  We are optimistic.  We are driven.

Driven by the decentralization of the workforce, the home-office revolution, entire generations moving out of corporate roles, and the cyclical nature of the economy … Companies like yours regularly face questions that they are incapable of answering or often are too busy to properly address. Change management and market competition generally overshadow the benefits that can be leveraged from progressive new technology and methodologies.  This is where Green Power Guy (GPG) comes in, ready to help address precisely those questions.  We are knowledge experts, well-connected, effective communicators.  We have a reputation and brand based on experience and thought leadership.

An authority on Sustainable Renewable Energy • Strategic Leadership • Project Management • Team Building • Change Management • Business Development • Sales and Marketing.  We provide advanced outsourcing solutions designed to accelerate growth, increase market share, maximize and sustain performance, and boost profitability.  Company Overview

We Are Different

We focus our energies on helping your company further expand and improve:  business development; brand positioning; and operational excellence.  We don’t just apply industry best practices – we invent them.  We’re constantly exploring newer, better, cheaper ways of getting you tracked measurable results.  We’re a firm of leaders.  And we wouldn’t have it any other way.

We live to help our clients solve really complex problems. If it was easy, they’d do it themselves.”

  • Sales Training | Management. Success Strategies for professional selling skills, motivation and sales management know-how.
  • Marketing | Advertising. Public Relations, Networking, and Social Media (SEO, SEM, SEN) that communicate your value proposition to drive results along the full continuum, from strategy to market execution.
  • Motivational Keynote Speaking. Experienced leader with the ability to make large events feel intimate, and intimate groups feel epic.
  • Sustainable | Renewable | Energy Consulting.  Integrating progressive and innovative environmental, social and economic practices into your daily operations and business decision making.
  • SOP Leadership Expertise. Sales, Operations, and Production synergy to create and capture value.

We Are Strong

Teams with tactical capacity – the ability to work under changing conditions, and to translate strategies into actions –  beat individuals every time.  GPG is continually investing to capitalize on its own strengths.  At the bottom of the recession, we decided to build our own training center, and while this was a significant investment during a recession, GPG’s remained committed to moving it forward as a way to build leadership. We believe “the way you succeed is by helping others be successful.”  This message is a core component of our culture, reinforcing it at every step of the way.

We Are Committed

Customer satisfaction (The Ultimate Client Experience) is why we exist.  Our team is dedicated to providing solutions that fit your specific request(s).  When you work with us you are getting a strategic partner walking right next to you every step of the way.  We are accountable project managers responsible for tracking the timeline, deliverables, and deadlines for each project.  We understand that our clients are accountable for the work we produce, and pride ourselves maintaining a high level of quality assurance on our work products and services.

CTC BI insights numb3rs
Strength | Innovation What Stands Apart
The Power Of Focus
… Find Your Edge: Win at Work Great Managing and Great Leading What The World’s Best Managers Do Differently  Mastering Success … Enhance Your Bottom-line

1) Staff augmentation for your short to medium-term staffing needs due to a variety of factors (eg, recent downsizings, sudden expansion).  It is the least impactful role that we can play and self-explanatory.  Our clients look to us to “plug a hole” for their company by temporarily filling the role of full-time employees.

2) External change force aka “political cover”. It can be hard for to do what’s right (sacred cows and all that jazz) – particularly when it comes to job layoffs, salary and benefit changes/reduction, major operational and strategic shifts. Hiring our team can be a way to reach the desired conclusions with sufficient political cover in case certain parties are unhappy (eg, a displeased Board or disgruntled employees) or things go wrong

3) Best practices (eg, sales, operations, production).  This enables our clients to recognize common attributes of effective solutions, applying field proven, specific and measured results.  As “masters at reinventing the wheel ”we have the white papers, databases, post-project reviews, etc.

4) Analytical horsepower.  A corollary to staff augmentation, we add value through solving issues and executing strategies where skillsets and knowledge may need  insufficient. Consultants can be of great value given their training and capabilities.

5) Fresh perspective.  Our clients benefit from a fresh set of eyes – you’d be amazed at the amount of value we can add based on the most mundane observations and insights.  This is so much more than “glorified common sense”, for front-line client employees, it can be easy to fall into daily routines without a critical eye towards measurement, analysis, and improvement.

6) Training and skill-set augmentation.  We’d argue that every consulting project – particularly ones with heavy client interaction – incorporates client training as a major ingredient. The best recommendations are worthless if clients can’t implement and maintain suggested changes. Thus, a large part of what we do is educate client employees on necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and mindsets.
