Engagement Driven Performance

What is the correlation between engagement and performance?  Green Power Guy Anthony De Vito explains the specific lever that most impacts employee engagement: the extent to which they have the opportunity to play to their strengths.

Anthony will present key data from a number of different industries demonstrating the correlation between performance and engagement. He discusses the factors at play with engaged teams vs. disengaged teams and drills down to the specific lever that the research indicates most impacts engagement: the extent to which employees have the opportunity to play to their strengths.

When employees have the opportunity to apply their greatest strengths at work, they turbocharge their careers and everybody wins. Companies find their employees are more productive and their teams are more effective. Despite this, research shows a majority of people do not fully use their strengths at work.

Anthony will examine current corporate levels of engaging the strengths of employees and look at the psychological and practical obstacles that can get in the way of creating a strengths-based organization. Throughout his presentation, he will offer a number of different strategies to support people in leveraging the best of themselves and others in the workplace.

Keynotes | Events | Seminars:

Anthony and the entire team welcome the opportunity to learn more about the meeting or event you are planning. All programs can be customized to meet the needs of your organizations event, audience size, time requirements, schedule, and level of experience. Please review the program descriptions, and let us know if you are interested in booking a keynote address, lecture, seminar, or small group workshop.

Custom Training:

Green Power Systems offers keynote addresses, professional public speaking, as well as renewable energy consulting to enhance our client’s infrastructure. We excel in building relationships that leverage innovative High-Touch strategies for our clients. We are well-equipped to help clients maximize the impact of their upcoming event … yet we do more. Green Power Systems is one of a handful of companies that leading the way in renewable energy consulting, bringing a fresh, conscious, and holistic perspective to success in the corporate world.


Interested in learning more about renewable energies? We offer classes in solar hot water, PV design and installation, and small-scale wind design and installation. Workshops vary in their content and setting. Some of them will focus more on PV while others will focus more on lower technology solutions such as methane bio-digestors and water filtration. Typically the focus is upon providing clean, renewable energy at an affordable price and delivering it efficiently to homes and businesses on the electric grid. These workshops are designed to provide an exchange of information on topics of timely interest:

Green Is Good Economic Power. We are experts in helping clients develop a green thumb, internal and external, that contribute most broadly to their success.

Business is human. We build strategies that allow clients to better serve stakeholder needs, execute initiatives that deliver immediate results, and align the human capital necessary to deliver lasting success.

Success is about more than the bottom line. Our current clients, who include many innovative and respected companies, share our passion for infusing relationships with intimacy, accountability, and generosity to achieve the greatest of success.


Gain new knowledge and update your teams professional development with live webinars on select topics. In these online workshops, you can ask questions of the instructor and receive feedback—all on your computer, right from the comfort of your office or home. There are no live webinars scheduled at this time, but check back frequently or sign up for our e-updates to hear about the latest offerings.

To inquire about setting up customized training, contact us at: Training@GreenPowerGuy.com